Application Form

1. General Information

Diameter is an international intellectual research project of The diagonales born as result of the SARS-CoV-2 emergency. The project is based on the consideration that the pandemic, having a significant and unprecedented impact on social life, has revealed the need to investigate its consequences in social relations. The project is aimed at journalists, researchers and experts from various academic and professional fields. Its goal is to investigate, monitor, and elaborate on the multiple aspects of social life after Covid19 and imagine what scenarios may open up in this regard in the near future and in the knowledge that social relations will undergo significant changes, as much as our way of living and being together.

2. Author profile

Please fill these data about your profile. Separate the fields of interest with commas.

3. Dichotomies

The dichotomies can be read in the essay/call by C. Corposanto, J. Echeverría, M. Fotino. Please choose only one characterizing your contribution.

4. Keywords

The keywords are contained also in the Regulation file. Please choose at least one characterizing your contribution.

5. Contents

6. Disclaimer

The Author acknowledges that participation in the CfA, by filling in the Registration Form and sending their contribution to the Organizers, is not binding for the Promoters and, in particular, for The diagonales and that it will be subject to analysis and feasibility checks by the staff of The diagonales and the Promoters. By completing the CfA Registration Form and sending his contribution, the Author concerned DECLARES THAT HE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS THE CONTENT OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS.